Friday, February 17, 2012

i`m the housekeeper...;p

sape kate jadi housekeeper isnt tired at all.well,frankly dlu aku ingat bnde ni satu pekerjaan yg remeh n bosan... tapi snce my gemma was ill ive got no choice instead of doing all the job.mule pagy dgn bsuh kain kmas rmah ,kmas dapur pastu relax kejap ast panaskan lauk nuk adk2 b r blk kola layan drg mkn urskan dorg sampai drg pegy skolah blk pastu angkat kain lipat kain .at5 heat the food again ..ble ad wakt senggng boleh la aku lpak layan fb layan tb layan blog tapi kdg2 tu slang sejam kne tgk nnek sbb tkt die dmm balik..seems tiring is it? but its interesting .you can see the happy look in mother s face least i can decrease the burden on her shoulder

family are use to be supporting each other :)
tpi..bile piki satu hari nnt aku kne tgglkan umh ku rase rsau sbb kat sape lgi ibu nk ngdu??, sape nk jage rumah ??sape nk jage adik2?? sape nk tlg ibu ???hm..sigh* bile ikir bnde2 ni blk ase bert plk..harap harap dpt  yang dkt dgn rumah sbb aku blhtlg ib ngan ayah bile senggang x de la mcm ayong yang cme blk bile cti pnjang kan..???